Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015

Bagaimana Cara Menjadi Programmer

Tidak mudah untuk menjadi seorang programmer, kamu harus terus belajar dan disiplin. Seperti yang saya jelasakan di posting saya sebelumnya, kamu harus mempunyai minat pada program komputer, website, aplikasi mobile, game dan semua yang berhubungan dengan software. Oleh karena saya membuat posting, ini akan menjelaskan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi seorang programmer yang profesional.

1. Coding Setiap Hari
Menguasai bahasa pemrograman membutuhkan waktu yang tidak sebentar. Bahkan bahasa sederhana seperti Phyton, membutuhkan setidaknya sekitar satu atau dua hari untuk bisa benar-benar menguasai syntaxnya. Biasakan untuk setidaknya menyempatka sedikit waktu untuk belajar pemrograman setiap hari, setidaknya luangkan waktu sekitar satu jam per hari. 

2.Tentukan Tujuan Dari Programmu
Dengan menentukan tantangan dan tujuan, kamu akan bisa menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan. Cobalah untuk membuat aplikasi sederhana seperti kalkulator, lalu kembangkanlah sampai benar-benar sesuai harapanmu. Aplikasikan syntak dan konsep yang telah kamu pelajari.

 3. Diskusikan dan Pelajari Program Lain
Ada banyak komunitas pemrograman yang berdedikasi pada bahsa pemrograman yang lebih spesifik. Menemukan dan berpartisipasi dalam komunitas akan membantumu dalam proses pembelajaran. Kamu akan menemui hal-hal baru dalam suatu komunitas. Mempelajari kode pemrograman orang lain juga akan membantumu.
  • Periksalah forum pemrograman dan komunitas online yang sesuai dengan bahasa pemrograman yang ingin kamu pelajari. Pastikan kamu tidak hanya berpartisipasi tapi juga bertanya dan aktif dalam forum tersebut. Selain rajin untuk bertanya, sempatkan juga untuk menunujukan hasil dari karyamu.your

4. Tantanglah Dirimu
Cobalah untuk melakukan sesuatu yang belum pernah kamu coba sebelumnya. Belajarlah untuk hal baru tersebut dan cobalah untuk menguasainya.
5. Perluas Wawasanmu
Take a few training courses. Many universities, community colleges, and community centers offer programming classes and workshops that you can attend without having to enroll in the school. These can be great for new programmers, as you can get hands-on help from an experienced programmer, as well as network with other local programmers.

6. Beli atau Pinjam Buku
There are thousands of instructional books available for every conceivable programming language. While your knowledge should not come strictly from a book, they make great references and often contain a lot of good examples.

7. Belajarlah Matematika dan Logika
Most programming involves basic arithmetic, but you may want to study more advanced concepts. This is especially important if you are developing complex simulations or other algorithm-heavy programs. For most day-to-day programming, you don't need much advanced math. Studying logic, especially computer logic, can help you understand how best to approach complex problem solving for more advanced programs.

8. Jangan Pernah Berhenti Belajar Bahasa Pemrograman
There is a popular theory that becoming an expert takes at least 10,000 hours of practice. While this is up for debate, the general principle remains true: mastery takes time and dedication. Don't expect to know everything overnight, but if you stay focused and continue to learn, you may very well end up an expert in your field.

9. Pelajari Bahasa Pemrograman Yang Lain
While you can certainly get by with mastering one language, many programmers help their chances of success in the field by learning multiple languages. Their second or third languages are usually complementary to their first one, allowing them to develop more complex and interesting programs. Once you have a good grasp on your first program, it may be time to start learning a new one.
  • You will likely find that learning your second language goes much quicker than the first. Many core concepts of programming carry over across languages, especially if the languages are closely related.
10. Buatlah Daftar Pencapaian Di Masa Mendatang
While not strictly necessary, a four year program at a college or university can expose you to a variety of different languages, as well as help you network with professionals and other students. This method certainly isn't for everyone, and plenty of successful programmers never attended a four-year institution.

 11. Buat Portofolio
As you create programs and expand your knowledge, make sure that all of your best work is saved in a portofolio. You can show this portfolio to recruiters and interviewers as an example of the work you do. Make sure to include any work done on your own time, and ensure that you are allowed to include any work done with another company.

 12. Cobalah Pekerjaan Freelance
There is a very large freelance market for programmers, especially mobile app developers. Take on a few small freelance jobs to get a feel for how commercial programming works. Oftentimes you can use the freelance jobs to help build your portfolio and point to published work. 

13. Kembangkanlah Programmu Sendiri
You don't have to work for a company to make money programming. If you have the skills, you can develop software yourself and release it for purchae, either through your own website or through another marketplace. be prepared to be able to provide support for any software you release for commercial sale, as customers will expect their purchase to work.
  • Freeware is a popular way to distribute small programs and utilities. The developer doesn't receive any money, but it's a great way to build name recognition and make yourself visible in the community.

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